Publications, media presentation


MPR has always paid attention to making the results of its activities available to the wide public.


Abstracting journal Mérleg (Balance) was founded in 1965 by KMEM and Herder Publishers (Vienna) for the Hungarian intellectuals living in the homecountry and abroad. The periodical gives information on the latest news in the fields of theology, philosophy, traditional sciences, spiritual sciences, and Western church life. Mérleg has been published by a non-profit company in Hungary since 1990. One of the columns is dedicated to the results of the MPR-activities. MPR-members paying the membership fee will get the periodical free of charge, and MPR supports Mérleg in other ways as well.


Presentations given in several congresses used to be published in the periodical Katolikus Szemle (Catholic Review) edited by MPR-members, whereas today they are brought out in separate publications.


The results of major projects are published in volumes in cooperation with Balassi Publishers. Publications brought out so far:

The Family,

The Structures of Mutuality,

Church and Communication,

The Religions and the European integration I-II.,

Living in Fellowship,

Hungarian Reflections on the Shoah


It is not only our newsletters and our web site, but also the local and national media that give information of our activities and congresses.